Android studio apk yapma
Android studio apk yapma

To generate a signed APK file, open the Build menu from the toolbar and select Generate Signed Bundle/APK. The file is named app-debug.apk by default. If you miss the notification, you can still locate the APK file in the following path within your project folder: app/build/outputs/apk/debug. From that notification, select Locate and you will be led to the APK file location. Once the APK build is complete, you’ll receive a notification on the bottom right corner of your screen. Then, select Build > Build Bundle(s)/APK(s) > Build APK(s) from the toolbar menu.Īndroid Studio will take a few moments to generate an APK file. 整机apk通常都要依赖framework,需要在adle中动态链接到framework。需要先将framework.jar放到工程里。需要的adle文件读者如果没有可以上网找一个或由IDE自动生成。链接到framework其实一句话即可解决问题: gradle.Generating a debug APK file is easy and is a matter of just a few clicks.įirst, open up your project or application that you want to import into an APK file. 网上给出的签名过程通常错在第一步: openssl pkcs8 -in platform.pk8 -inform DER -outform PEM -out -nocrypt Keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass 你的签名文件密码(如:android) -destkeypass 你的签名文件密码(如:android) -destkeystore platform.keystore -srckeystore shared.pk12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass 你的签名文件密码(如:android) -alias 你的签名名字(如:android)

android studio apk yapma

Openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey -out shared.pk12 -name 你的签名名字(如:android) Openssl pkcs8 -in platform.pk8 -inform DER -outform PEM -out

Android studio apk yapma